How to Link/Cluster Atlas Game Servers
This article will explain the process to link more than one Atlas game server together so you can complete the Atlas map. If you don't already have any Atlas game servers, you can rent them here. Before you start You must have more than one Atlas game server with us, they should all be on the same dedicated server so we may need to transfer them if not. This applies to the default 4x4 mapFew readersHow to Configure your Atlas Server
This article will explain how an Atlas server is setup and how to set its settings and alter it to your desire. First it's important to understand Grids. Each server is set to a grid area of the Atlas map. By default it is on 0,2. But you can change this, and if you have multiple serves, it'l be different per server. You can view a pictFew readersAdding Workshop Mods To Your Atlas Server
Obtain the list of mods you wish to add to your server from the workshop page. Click configuration files and open the text editor for the servergrid.json Find the following entry near the top of the file. "ModIDs": "", Enter your mod ID's into this line ( readers