How to connect to your Fragmented game server
With Fragmented just being released it is still early days and some aspects are not working within the game itself like the server list. So to get around this they have provided us with information on how to show your server ingame. Method 1 Start the game and on the main screen at the bottom you find a box for your IP/Port that you wish to connect to. Simply type your servers IP:Port into these boxes and connect. Method 2 You can use the manual server txt file to add your own servFew readersFragmented Ingame Server Commands
These should be inputted directly in the chat box. Parameters to replace are between brackets . Any instance of character name should have the character name enclosed by double quotes "" if the character has a composed name (i.e. /ban "josh halls"). /ban character name ++ GM COMMAND ++ /creategroup group name --creates a chat group and adds a tab named groupname /gm guildsdata --unsure, debugging command? /gm playersdata --unsure, debugging command? /guildinvite chaFew readersMy Fragmented server does not appear in Steam/ingame
Due to early access and the game just being released unfortunately servers currently do not appear in the Steam Browser or via the ingame browser. The developers have commented on this and are actively working to provide this feature. In the mean time please follow our 'How to connect to your Fragmented server'Few readers