How to add mods to your KSP server when using DMP
First you must have DMP installed on your computer. Install the mods you want in Kerbal Space Program on your computer. (You place them in the Game Data folder on your computer. more info. (https://wikSome readersContains banned parts" error when using DMP
When this is shown in-game, it means that the part is not in the DMPModControl file on the server. It can happen when a new part is added to the mod, which makes the file outdated, or if the mods havent beenFew readersKSP Server Settings Config
This guide is an explanation of the server settings found within the Config Files of your server. To start, any lines with the are ignored by the server. Any invalid values will be reset to their default values. To start configuring your Kerbal Space Program Server, click on the Config Files on the control panel. Here you will see two text editors, one called ConfigSettings.txt and DMPServerSettings.txt. The settings defined below are the default values you will see until you make the changFew readersHow to update the server when using DMP
Login to the control panel at: TCAdmin (https://tcadmin.serveFew readers