ECO - Admin Commands
ECO Admin Chat Commands These are chat commands that the player can enter whilst on the server as an admin. /admin player /allblocks /allconstructed /allplants /allskills /allterrain /allworldobjects /atm /ban player ,(reason) /bhop /buildtechtree /chattest /claimrect /clearlaws /clearrubble (radius) /noon /deletecontract id /destroyedatmosphere /destroymeteor /digest /dump /dumpcarried /dumpselected /durability () /eat /fastforward /fly /give itemname ,(amount)Few readersECO - Player Commands
ECO Player Chat Commands These are chat commands that the player can enter while on the server. /allaccounts <—Displays all bank accounts in the game. /authlevel <—Lists your authorization level. /help <—Lists all commands. /listadmins <—Lists all server admins. /mark (waypointname) <—Marks a waypoint for you. /players <—Shows all the plays currently on the server. /sealevel <—Shows current sea level and how much itsFew readersECO - How to Direct Connect to Server
Load up your server on the control panel. Copy your IP:Port Run your ECO game from Steam Once your game has loading, click "Join". In the upper right corner of the server list, click the add server button. Paste your IP:Port into the field and click "Add" Press refresh on the top right. Your server will now show in your Favorites list. Click "Connect" and enjoy your gameFew readersECO - Adding to the Whitelist / Blacklist
Click on configuration files Click text editor next to Enter the character name under whitelist/blacklist as required like so (replace "yourcharacternamehere" with the charactername you want to whitelist/blacklist)Few readersECO - Adding An Admin
Adding An Admin In Eco Adding an admin to your Eco server is pretty simple! Just follow our instructions here: Go to your TCAdmin panel and then click Config Files and then ind the file Edit this with the Text Editor and then within it you should see this:Few readers