Articles on: Configuration - General

TCAdmin Game Server Auto Updating

As part of our control panel updates on 23rd November 2018 we have implemented a way to provide automatic updates for game servers using the TCAdmin control panel

Please note:

Your game server by default is not enabled and must be configured.

Follow these steps to setup automatic updates:

Login to your control panel.

Find the server required and click manage.

Click scheduled tasks.

Click new.

Select task type Steam Update

On the script schedule configure the update check to your liking.

You should use the same settings above, but you can adjust the "Repeat Every" setting to a smaller or longer interval in case you want the update to occur sooner or later after an update. Please do not set this less than 10 minutes.

Click advanced options.

Decide whether you want the update to happen only when the:

Server is empty (Wait Until Empty)
With players online (Force Execution)
Skip that check, and check again at the next check (Skip Execution)

Please note some game servers do not query players online, so the players online check will not work for those ones

Ensure 'Update only if new version is available' is ticked.

You are all set to go with automatic updates and can rest easy that it is all taken care of.

Important Notes

It is not advised to use this feature if you prefer to take backups prior to updates in case of issues caused by updating.

When the update check starts (even if its not updating) you will NOT see the usual Steam updater screen on the control panel, until it has completed. (you will need to refresh the page)

Ensure you allow the process to complete fully and the server will come online automatically, trying to start it before it has completed may cause complications.

We reserve the right to adjust update check frequency's without informing the client. (such as if it is set to a very small check interval and is causing issues to other clients or our systems)

Currently unavailable for use with Empyrion: Galactic Survival and Kerbal Space Program

Updated on: 20/09/2019

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