Articles on: Configuration - General

Setup and use Guide for the ServerBlend Game Server Discord bot

This bot has been replaced by other bots provided by Umod or in ARK's case our cross ark bot.

For Rust we recommend using Rustcord.
For Ark we have a Cross ARK RCON Chat bot.

THIS BOT HAS BE RETIRED. These steps do not apply to Spikeys Cross ARK Bot linked above.

The setup take about 5-10 minutes, please be sure to have this time available before continuing.

Login to the control panel here with your login details for your game server, or the ones sent in an email if the Discord Bot is your first service.

Click the "Game Services" button on the left hand side, if you can't see it, click on "Game & Voice Management" first, and then it will show up

Click on the "Discord Bot" game service, click the stop button if the bot is running, then "Configuration Files", then "Configuration Editor" to the right. It will now ask you for your Discord Bot settings, leave it on this page as we will get these below:

First setup your own Discord bot token:

Go here.

After you login, click: 'Create an Application'

Set a Name, and if you wish, a description too, then click "Save Changes"

Now click the "Bot" button you will see to the left hand side of the page

Click "Add Bot"

Hit 'Click to Reveal Token", this is your token! Copy it into the "Your Discord Token" field in the Configuration Editor you opened in step 3

Inviting Your Discord Bot To Your Server
Move to the OAuth2 page, this is where you'll generate your URL.

Select bot, this will generate a URL for you at the bottom. Do not do anything with this yet!

Scroll further down to permissions. This is where you'll set your permissions in discord for said bot.

Adjust which permissions you'd like for the bot. You can just check administrator if you're unsure or not too fussed about what you want the bot to do.

You'll notice the Permissions= section of the url will change depending on what permissions you add. This is just to assign proper permissions to the bot on join so you do not have to worry about roles or permissions to it within Discord.

Once you're all set and done. Copy paste this URL into your browser:

Select the discord server you want it to join and you're done for this section.

Now lets setup the other Discord bot settings

For your Discord channel, this is where you will send RCON commands to the bot;
Create a Discord text channel on your Discord server and input its name in the "Bots Discord Channel" field.

For the Allowed Discord Role, this is the Discord role that will be allowed to send RCON commands.

For example, if you have a role on your Discord server called "mods", you would add "mods" into the "Allowed Discord Role" field. Then anyone with the "mods" role will be able to send RCON commands in the Bots Discord Channel. If you are unsure on how to add permission roles in Discord, please see here.

Now lets add the settings for Server 1, you find these on the your game servers page, if you are unsure on these, please contact support.

In the "Server Name" field for Server 1, add the name of your first game server
In the "Server IP" field for Server 1, add the IP of your first game server
In the "RCON Port" field for Server 1, add the RCON port of your first game server
In the "RCON Password" field for Server 1, add the RCON password of your first game server
In the "Live Chat Channel" field for Server 1, add the name of the live chat channel in Discord that you would like to use the live chat bot function with. (relay chat between Discord and the game server)

If you only have one server, you can stop here, if you have others, repeat the steps from 6. for the other servers. Once all done, click "Save" at the top.

On the next screen click "Cancel" to bring you back to the main game server dashboard. You can now click "Start" to start the Discord Bot!

All done, congratulations! If all the above steps were done correctly your bot will now be online, you can view the "Web Console" to see any errors and other info from the bot.

For Rust Servers, ensure that you have rcon.web 0 in your server.cfg, as it will not work otherwise.

Do a quick test

Type s!hello into the Discord server (any text channel) and the bot will reply, you should also see him in the Online users area of your Discord channel.

If he doesn't reply or if there are any other errors. Please contact support and we will be happy to help!

How to run RCON commands, and more from your Discord channel.

Some commands can only be done by the users with the Discord role you created earlier, others can be ran by anyone. This will be shown by mods only in the below list.

List of Commands

Before any command you must put: s!




ListCommands Lists the commands the bot can do.
These are not the RCON commands, just the commands the bot itself can do.

ListServers Lists the game servers you setup for the bot to have access too.

Shutdown Shuts down the bot mods only
Only use this if you find you have duplicate bots running, for example if you do s!hello and the bot replies twice. Otherwise, you should shut down the bot via the control panel.

ForceNotBusy Force the bot to stop doing its current task mods only
Only use if the bot is telling you he's busy and after you've waited a while for him to finish doing whatever he is doing naturally.

Command nameofserverhere=rconcommandhere Send an RCON command to the server mods only
Must be used with the name of the server to send the command too and the command to execute. Please see the examples below.

livechat ++server++ Starts the live chat function, where chat is relayed between discord and the game server
This is designed for temporary communication, such as to inform people of a restart. It cannot be used for a constant communication as the RCON connection will time-out.
Other commands cannot be used whilst livechat is running.

stopchat Stops the live chat stared with the livechat command.


To say hello to the bot, you would do:

To send an rcon command to your game server using the bot you would do:
s!command nameofgameserverhere=rconcommandhere

You must make sure you do this in the channel you setup in step 5.

For ARK: Survival Evolved, for example:
s!command myarkserver=saveworld

That would send the save rcon command to the game server.

Other notes

We will release updates to the Discord Bot adding new features! You can view your current installed version by doing s!info, you can check if a new version has been released and install it by click the "Updates" button in the control panel.


"Rcon took too long to respond. Unfortunately I've had to exit Live Chat for now. You can start it again if you like."

This is the live chat feature timing out. It is necessary to prevent the bot locking up. The live chat feature is only designed for temporary communication and cannot be used constantly.

You can turn it back on again by running the s!livechat ++nameofserver++ command again, you can also use the s!ForceNotBusy before running the live chat system to make sure nothing else is running.

Also, when sending messages from discord, wait for the bot to confirm the message has been sent, before sending another.

We hope you enjoy ServerBlend's Game Server Discord Bot! If you have any questions at all, please contact us here and we will be happy to help.

Discord Bot created by Dustin Gottschall (aka 'Steel') for exclusive use by ServerBlend clients. A big thank you to Dustin for his hard work!

Updated on: 27/03/2021

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