ECO - Player Commands
ECO Player Chat Commands
These are chat commands that the player can enter while on the server.
/allaccounts <-----> Displays all bank accounts in the game.
/authlevel <-----> Lists your authorization level.
/help <-----> Lists all commands.
/listadmins <-----> Lists all server admins.
/mark (waypointname) <-----> Marks a waypoint for you.
/players <-----> Shows all the plays currently on the server.
/sealevel <-----> Shows current sea level and how much its risen by.
/testroom <-----> Check the current surroundings to see if it's a room, and if not explain why not.
/thirdperson <-----> Goes into third person view.
/titlelist <-----> Lists all existing titles and info about them.
/unstuck <-----> If your character is stuck, this command can help to fix.
``/unstuckvehicle` <-----> This command works the same as unstuck, except for vehicles.
/useractivity <-----> Displays a list of users and when they last logged in.
/whatami <-----> Shows current skill title
/whoami <-----> Shows your user ID
Text Markup
These commands work on signs in the game; perfect for formatting your signs.
bold = <b>bold</b>
italic = <i>italic</i>
underlined = <u>underlined</u>
strikethrough = <s>strikethrough</s>
Coloring the signs.
(50% transparency. Last two digits are for opacity, 00-99)
subscript = <sub>subscript</sub>
superscript = <sup>superscript</sup>
— Line break (creates a new text line)
— (can align "center", "left", or "right". Center is default)
Icons can also be shown in chat using the item ID. The following example would display the icon for Stone:
<ecoicon item='StoneItem'>
Updated on: 12/01/2021
Thank you!