Articles on: Conan Exiles

How to install or uninstall mods on your Conan Exiles server

Installing and Uninstalling Mods Using the Workshop Browser.

We have implemented a workshop browser that connects to the Steam workshop so you can install, update and uninstall mods with one click. You will find the icons to use this tool on your server panel.

- Blue Icon (Left). Where you can install and browse workshop content.
- Green Icon (Middle). Shows a list of installed mods via the workshop browser only. With an option to reinstall and update.
- Brown Icon (Right). Shows mods that have updates available.

You can also use scheduled tasks to automate the update process of your mods. For information on using the task scheduler see this article.

When installing mods from the workshop browser install the mods in the order you require them loaded.

To install mods, using the old method -

Log into your control panel
Choose the game server you want to install mods on and make sure it is stopped
Go to the mod manager
Install SteamCMD
Go back and click on the "Workshop Mods Installer" button
In the box provided, specify all the mod ID's you would like to install, separate each with one space. It is important that it is only one space.

The ID of a mod is shown at the end of its url. When you are on the workshop page for the mod you want, look in the URL and you will see at the end for example

id=135246347 the string of numbers is the mod ID.
Click Execute. The script will then do everything for you and install the mods ready to go.

If you wish to remove a mod:

Open the File Manager or connect to the server via FTP
Go to Conan-sandbox\Mods
Remove the .pak file you will see here for the mod you want to remove.
Click the pencil icon or open / edit the modlist.txt file
Remove the .pak file name for the mod you do not want here.
Mods in this file are specified one per line, so remove any empty spaces
that there may be when you remove the .pak file name.

Updated on: 17/08/2020

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