Articles on: 7 Days to Die

How to upload 7 days to die world/map/save

Uploading your 7 days to die World/Map

If you generated the map using RWG or a other tool such as Nitrogen you need the world folder for it with all the map data, usually this is inside a GeneratedWorlds either on the other host, or locally where the tool you used generated it

When you have it:

Login to FTP, if you're not sure how to do this, please see : How to Connect to the Server Using FTP (TCADMIN ONLY)

Make sure your server is stopped and you create a folder called userdatafolder in the topmost area of your server

Inside that create another folder called GeneratedWorlds

Upload your world folder into there, the structure should go userdatafolder/GeneratedWorlds/yourworldfolder/lotsoffiles for example:

In your control panel on your server dashboard, click the Config Files button

Open the config editor for the serverconfigmain.xml and set:
GameWorld value as the same as the world folder you uploaded
GameName value as the same as your saves folder, if you dont have an existing save for this world you can set it to anything

Uploading your 7 days to die save

This can sometimes be fine to do via the file explorer rather than FTP, but 7 days to die saves can often grow to be large, the web file explorer only doesnt support upload of very large files so we'll explain using ftp instead

Login to FTP, if you're not sure how to do this, please see : How to Connect to the Server Using FTP (TCADMIN ONLY)

Go to the 7dtdsaves folder (create one if it doesnt exist)

Upload your save folder in here

Make sure the GameName value in your serverconfigmain.xml file is set to the same as your saves folder name.

Updated on: 02/02/2021

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