Articles on: Unturned

How to set autosave on your Unturned server

How to set autosave on your Unturned server

Unturned does not autosave by default. The only way to achieve this is by using Rocketmod.

If you use OpenMod, you should NOT follow these steps.

Login to your ServerBlend Control panel, here.
Stop the server.
Click the Mod Manager.

Ensure that RocketMod is installed.

Unturned will now autosave using RocketMod to process the save command every

<AutomaticSave Enabled="true" Interval="600" />

Change the auto save period.

Click the Config files icon on your panel.
Edit the Rocket.Unturned.config.xml using the text editor.

Find the line <AutomaticSave Enabled="true" Interval="600" />
Change the Interval to your requirements.
Save and start your server.

Interval is in seconds. 300 (5 minutes), 600 (10 minutes), 900 (15 Minutes).

Updated on: 18/05/2021

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