Articles on: First Steps

Transferring an existing game server to us

Transferring from another host to us?

We will setup everything for you, and remove the hassle of transferring using our free easy transfer add-on, which you can choose during your order. If you forget to choose it, no problem, just contact us after order and we can still do it.

To do this:

After your have ordered your game server from us, please go here and send the logins to your previous host and we will complete this for you, for free.

If you are using a sensitive password(A normal every day password) please change it to a more secure password. You can use a password generator if you wish to make this easier. This'll make the entire process much more secure!

Wanting to transfer your server from your PC/Locally instead?

We are happy to do this for you but there is a charge involved. For the vast majority of cases this will be a small fee of $7, but if you have a complicated setup, with lots of mods, or other configurations, we may need to charge more for it.

Simply contact us after ordering your game server.

Updated on: 05/06/2019

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