Articles on: Dark and Light

Dark and Light Mod Installation Guide

This article is designed to help you with installing mods to your Dark and Light server.

On the TCAdmin control panel, you'll find your FTP login information. The username and password is the same as your TCAdmin login.

If you are not familiar with using an FTP, follow our help article we have here > How to Connect to the Server Using FTP (TCADMIN ONLY)

Visit the Steam Workshop section for Dark and Light via here > Dark and Light Steam Workshop

Head over to the Steam Workshop section for Dark and Light. Subscribe to the mods that you wish to have on your server.

Use the "Subscribe" button on any mods you'd like for the server.

You'll then need to locate the mods on your local computer,. These are usually found in \Steam Library\steamapps\common\Dark and Light\DNL\Content\Mods\ - This folder will contain individual folders for each mod and a .mod file using the Steam workshop ID as the names.

Using a FTP program, upload the mod folder and .mod file to the same folder reflected on the server (DNL\Content\Mods\). If you are unfamiliar with using FTP, follow the link to one of our guides on using FTP.

In the game panel, go to "Configuration Files" and select Text Editor on GameUserSettings.ini, and find the line "ActiveMods="

Add ModIDs separated by commas (,) and hit "Save". Example > ActiveMods=123456,123456,123456

Go back to the main game panel page, start the server, and join the server when it comes online.

Updated on: 12/01/2021

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